Journals indexed
by ISI Thomson-Reuters that had an impact factor in 2012 according to JCR 2013,
by subject: Geography (Social Sciences Citation Index), in alphabetical order. See the full list of journals here and the impact factor of the journals here.
Annals of Regional Science
Annals of the Association of
American GeographersAntipode
Applied Geography
Asia Pacific Viewpoint
Australian Geographer
Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
Canadian Geographer / Le Geographe canadien
Cartographic Journal
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Children's Geographies
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
Cultural Geographies
Economic Geography
Environment and Planning A
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Eurasian Geography and Economics
European Planning Studies
Gender, Place and Culture
Geodetski Vestnik
Geografie - Sbornik
Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
Geografiska Annaler Series B - Human Geography
Geographical Analysis
Geographical Journal
Geographical Research
Geographical Review
Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions
Global Networks - a Journal of Transnational Affairs
Imago Mundi - The International Journal for the History of Cartography
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Island Studies Journal
Journal of Economic Geography
Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of Geography
Journal of Geography in Higher Education
Journal of Historical Geography
Journal of Maps
Journal of Transport Geography
Landscape and Urban Planning
Landscape Research
Mitteilungen der Osterreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft
New Zealand Geographer
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography
Papers in Regional Science
Political Geography
Population, Space and Place
Professional Geographer
Progress in Human Geography
Regional Studies
Revista de Geografia Norte Grande
Scottish Geographical Journal
Scripta Nova - Revista Electronica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography
Social & Cultural Geography
South African Geographical Journal
Space and Culture
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Transactions in GIS
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Urban Geography
Urban Policy and Research
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie
Journals indexed
by ISI Thomson-Reuters that did not have an impact factor in 2012 according to
JCR 2013, by subject: Geography (Social Sciences Citation Index), in alphabetical order:
Applied Spatial
Analysis and Policy
Geographical ReportsRevue de Geographie Alpine – Journal of Alpine Research
Sociologia Ruralis
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